Saturday, December 17, 2011

Event chaining question

Hi divisortheory.
Thanks for your mouse posts, 2 years on, yet relavent.
Merry Winter Solstice 2011! Happy New Year 2012!!

I've been postpoining F# interactive  manipulation until I read
Jon Harrop's F# .NET Journal article on Quickhull which got my attention -
"A key aspect of the GUI is the ability to drag and drop points in the point set and watch the convex hull as it is recomputed in real time. The following drag value is the current state of the outstanding drag operation, if any, represented by the index of the point being dragged:
<code lang="fsharp">
    > let drag : int option ref = ref None;;
    val drag : int option ref = {contents = null;}
This design follows the mantra "make illegal states unrepresentable". Alternative designs in languages where this cannot be so easily expressed tend to use one boolean variable to indicate whether or not a drag is in progress and another integer variable to convey the index when meaningful. Using data structures such as the option type in F# precludes the possibility of non-sensical values being created and encountered at run-time, reducing the scope for errors and the number of run-time tests."

I'm trying to comprehend the lesson.
PLH OOE Art Scott twitter @semasiographic

Event chaining question

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Buying a Knights Corner (aka SCC?, aka Larrabee?, … )

Prompted by a Softtalkblog post Nov. 29, 2011 --- shopping for PC cores.

Dear Softtalk, Re: The economics of core buying, or rational compute power buying. Most of the total available market, let's say 6B people, seem to only need SMS/vioce/web/video one/two core, i.e. cell/smart phone/pad/tablet; backed by powerful computer/switch communication infrastructure, and web farms --- 10's of thousands, 100's of thousands? millions? of multi-core boxes, maybe moving to "simple" multi-core ARMs, sans Flt Pt units & Graphics. Office workers with traditional desktop PC's and SW seems to be a mature market -- maybe 500M units? 1B? Home hybrid WebTV? Home Game market?
Adobe/AutoCad/Avid/etc. content creation SW machines ... insatiable core appetite? 1M units with 1M cores per unit? Sort of like HPC SciViz etc. All of the above is prolog to asking about Knights Corner.

Re: Econ of PC and KC purchase? If one has a (perceived) need for more performance, sort of like game hot rods, what is the point at which KC makes sense? If the KC's cores are very like PC's, might I buy a cheap base Dual core PC (if I can find one) and super charge it with an add-in Knights Corner (SCC) card? What will be the cross over price point? $5K Workstation? Will I be able to buy a $200 add-in KC @Fry's to add nitro power boost to my old PC? Will Adobe bundle KC with AE?

Just asking.

Art Scott

Peace Love Happiness PLH
Only One Earth OOE

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The LMAX Architecture

When pushing performance like this, it starts to become important to take account of the way modern hardware is constructed. The phrase Martin Thompson likes to use is "mechanical sympathy". The term comes from race car driving

The LMAX Architecture

Friday, June 3, 2011

MIT TechTV – Matthew Ritchie: Systemic Thinking and Making

MIT TechTV – Matthew Ritchie: Systemic Thinking and Making



Posted on 2011-06-04 02:42:15 -0400 by Art Scott


Monday, April 4, 2011

fastest quickhull - Google Search

fastest quickhull - Google Search: "PDF] A 3D Convex Hull Algorithm for Graphics Hardware File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View by M Gao Feb 20, 2011 ... than the fastest CPU convex hull software, QuickHull, on ..."