Friday, December 12, 2008

Doug Engelbart’s “The Demo” 40th Anniversary Celebration Timeline Mural


About the Engelbart Timeline Mural

A graphical chronology 1925-2015 of events that led up to/followed from Engelbart's 1968 demo.  By Eileen Clegg, artist and Valerie Landau, writer.  Signed copies of the mural (3' x 21') will be available for sale soon.

Engelbart Mural

Monday, December 8, 2008

Working on my art project

I posted this comment at

Thanks Matthew et al.

" ... I have to admit that just finding a good example was somewhat of a chore, which suggests either functors aren’t used a whole lot by OCaml programmers or nobody understands them. ... " Matthew Doig

" ... but compositionality is the core feature of functional programming. Ocaml style functors and Haskell style monads just aren’t possible in F#. Sure, we can simulate composibility, but the above example shows that it’s still too difficult. ..." Anonymous

" ... I’m just saying: it’s natural to be frustrated when translating a concept in one language to another that doesn’t have direct support for it. ... " Kurt

Is a good example of functors in OCAML, "Tilings as a programming exercise" by Guy Cousineau,  (Theoretical Computer Science 281 (2002) 207 – 217) [also with Mauny "The Functional Approach to Programming"]?

Trying to translate it to F# led to "The Haskell School of Expression, Learning Functional Programming Through Multimedia", by Paul Hudak.

Here's the conclusion:
" Now we can summarize the construction of tilings in one functor that takes all the necessary ingredients as parameters:
module Construct_tiling
(GenMap: MAPPING with type source = Group.element
and type dest = Geom.transformation)
(GenColorMap: MAPPING with type source = Group.element
and type dest = Permutation.permutation)
(Tile: TILE with type transformation =
Geom.transformation * Permutation.permutation)
(MakePair (Make_morphism (Group) (GenMap) (Geom.Tgroup))
(Make_color_morphism (Group) (GenColormap)))
This leads to a simplified graphical representation which appears in Fig. 3.
7. Conclusion
What we have obtained is a very generic program that can produce any tiling with a computable symmetry group that operate transitively on the tiles. ..."