Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Let the FUN & games begin

Wednesday, April 01, 2009 10:57:59 AM (Pacific Daylight Time, UTC-07:00)

There is no light without heat...
Some will fight, some will flee.
Consumer visual network for me!
Intel, AMD, IBM I want to watch 4 (at least) games streaming;
To my pixel dust lipstick screen gleaming!
While clicking pizza offer at halftime,
Vid-screening to friends and family distant,
Virtual world interacting and gaming too!
Don’t make me wait while fools debate,
Invest; in parallel and concurrently!

I posted this doggerel at:,guid,F3062E21-FCF4-40F0-AC1F-8E212C931667.aspx#373f88c7-8c44-4691-8957-26b59881170d