Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Reactive Programming in FSharp F#UN SL Tomas Petricek

Tomas Petricek will talk about his most recent favourite F# programming area - reactive programming. This includes programming applications driven by events such as user interactions, messages received from other components or completion of asynchronous operations. Writing reactive applications has been difficult, because the application cannot control what is happening. Fortunately, F# provides some very nice techniques that we can use to deal with these problems.
During this talk, Tomas will cover two techniques. We'll start by looking at F# events and declarative approach for specifying event processing. Next, we'll look at embedding F# event handling into asynchronous workflows and programming using "state machines". We'll also briefly mention how this relates to more general functional programming "design patterns".

Monday, September 13, 2010

Multicore Association

... is an open membership organization that includes leading companies implementing products that embrace multicore technology. Our members represent vendors of processors, operating systems, compilers, development tools, debuggers, ESL/EDA tools, simulators, as well as application and system developers, and share the objective of defining and promoting open specifications.

Multicore Association

Biosemiotics: Searching for meanings in a meadow - opinion - 23 August 2010 - New Scientist

the simplest sign must be considered as a triadic relation, in which the sign vehicle, object and interpreting system all play ineliminable parts - an insight biosemioticians believe science would do well to explore more fully.

Is Semasiographics a branch of Biosemiotics?

Biosemiotics: Searching for meanings in a meadow - opinion - 23 August 2010 - New Scientist

Theory of cache-oblivious algorithms falls apart once introduce parallelism

Theory- Asleep at the Switch to Many-Core
