Thursday, October 21, 2010

Demoscene at the International Congress of Mathematicians

icm 2006 - Demoscene - Mathematics in Movement by Iñigo Quílez

… Our demoscene speeches in the ICM were of course a bit technical, but for the Conde Duque we made them quite more generic, showing more "noise and colors" than slides of course. People were impressed, they made many questions and we got a lot of positive feedback, especially in the form of "You HAVE TO show all this to the general public, in the media, go to schools and university, this is fantastic....". Well, that was like a dream for me. In the ICM they were more impressed by the technological side instead, they found impressive that "all that in 64 kilobytes?!" and "that is realtime???", but still got the main idea I wanted to transmit them: "this guys do really enjoy maths and have developed a intuitive and creative way of using it!" …

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Dynamically extending applications using MEF and the new F# CodeDom

@ Matt's Software Blog

Matt:   I wrote this little applet to see what the combination of MEF and the F# CodeDom would look like, and for the record it looks really really good.

This combination opens a whole lot of doors. By using the F# CodeDom the plugin source code can brought in from anywhere;

  • A server,
  • A blog,
  • Code generated from a DSL, or even
  • Entered by the user directly.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Breadth-first computational geometry manycores

“GRAMPS is a General Runtime/Architecture for Many-core Parallel Systems. It defines a programming model for expressing pipeline and computation-graph style parallel applications. It exposes a small, high-level set of primitives designed to be simple to use, to exhibit properties necessary for high-throughput processing, and
to permit efficient implementations. We intend for GRAMPS implementations to involve various combinations of software and underlying hardware support, similar for example, to how OpenGL permits flexibility in an implementation’s division of driver and GPU hardware responsibilities. However, unlike OpenGL, we envision
GRAMPS as being without ties to a specific application domain. Rather, it provides a substrate upon which domain-specific models can be built. …”  Jeremy Sugerman
,August 2010, SU Dissertation

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Garage Cinema and the Future of Media Technology by Marc Davis



I wrote this little applet to see what the combination of MEF and the F# CodeDom would look like, and for the record it looks really really good.

This combination opens a whole lot of doors …  Matt’s Software Blog, March 21 2010

This is one of the few F# MEF items to show up while searching, but I hope there will be may more – soon.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Reactive Programming in FSharp F#UN SL Tomas Petricek
Tomas Petricek will talk about his most recent favourite F# programming area - reactive programming. This includes programming applications driven by events such as user interactions, messages received from other components or completion of asynchronous operations. Writing reactive applications has been difficult, because the application cannot control what is happening. Fortunately, F# provides some very nice techniques that we can use to deal with these problems.
During this talk, Tomas will cover two techniques. We'll start by looking at F# events and declarative approach for specifying event processing. Next, we'll look at embedding F# event handling into asynchronous workflows and programming using "state machines". We'll also briefly mention how this relates to more general functional programming "design patterns".

Monday, September 13, 2010

Multicore Association

... is an open membership organization that includes leading companies implementing products that embrace multicore technology. Our members represent vendors of processors, operating systems, compilers, development tools, debuggers, ESL/EDA tools, simulators, as well as application and system developers, and share the objective of defining and promoting open specifications.

Multicore Association

Biosemiotics: Searching for meanings in a meadow - opinion - 23 August 2010 - New Scientist

the simplest sign must be considered as a triadic relation, in which the sign vehicle, object and interpreting system all play ineliminable parts - an insight biosemioticians believe science would do well to explore more fully.

Is Semasiographics a branch of Biosemiotics?

Biosemiotics: Searching for meanings in a meadow - opinion - 23 August 2010 - New Scientist

Theory of cache-oblivious algorithms falls apart once introduce parallelism

Theory- Asleep at the Switch to Many-Core


Monday, August 16, 2010

Intel Single-chip Cloud computer SCC

RE: The best parallel programming paradigm 


My comment: It has to work on NOC SOC manycore architecture, a new paradigm where cache philosophy and size must not melt the silicon. These new manycores are in the lab today; which will see the light of day, be the solid foundation upon which to build software, and systems and succeed in competitive markets? May be this is obvious? Axiomatic?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Beyond Locks and Messages: The Future of Concurrent Programming « Bartosz Milewski’s Programming Cafe


Here’s the tongue-in-cheek summary of the trends which, if you believe that the HPCS effort provides a glimpse of the future, will soon be entering the mainstream:

  1. Threads are out (demoted to latency controlling status), tasks (and semi-implicit parallelism) are in.
  2. Message passing is out (demoted to implementation detail), shared address space is in.
  3. Locks are out (demoted to low-level status), transactional memory is in.

Beyond Locks and Messages: The Future of Concurrent Programming «   Bartosz Milewski’s Programming Cafe

Monday, August 2, 2010

Craig Kaplan Tiling Escher Penrose

Monday, June 28, 2010

Feature - John Shalf talks parallel programming languages

Feature - John Shalf talks parallel programming languages

"...the most important thing moving forward is that everyone is now affected by parallelism. So the ideas have moved from being the interest of a handful of academics and supercomputing advocates to a mainstream problem that is important to the broader computing industry – the likes of Microsoft and Intel. This means it is even more imperative that we train future computer scientists to solve problems using parallelism from the get-go. The transformation of our educational system will be as big and disruptive as the changes to our software environment. So we’d better start now. ..."

Thursday, June 24, 2010

F# + OpenGL: a cross-platform sample - Laurent Le Brun

"... on Windows, Linux and Mac, it worked everywhere, without changing a single line. It seems like F# is ready to make great cross-platform 3D applications!"

F# + OpenGL: a cross-platform sample - Laurent Le Brun

Monday, June 14, 2010

Friday, June 4, 2010

Classical Programmer: Draw Dynamic Polygons In WPF

In GDI+ we can draw ... But, WPF canvas is a collection of children objects. It's not a bitmap anymore.
So, we need to change our idea about drawings

Classical Programmer: Draw Dynamic Polygons In WPF

Monday, May 10, 2010

UI Frontiers - Thinking Outside the Grid

Canvas vs. Grid ... This May 2010, MSDN Magazine article, by Charles Petzold, caught my attention. It was timely. I've been reading "Force-based Network Visualization", 31st January 2010, in F# .NET Journal, which I subscribe to (and recommend). I noted that Canvas was used in the "viz' function, also a "worker" thread is used to animate.  I hadn't seen/noticed Canvas used before. Browsing previous articles reviewing "viz" functions, trying to understand the motivation and tradeoffs ...

UI Frontiers - Thinking Outside the Grid