Friday, August 28, 2009

F# how you think … “19. A language that doesn't affect the way you think about programming, is not worth knowing". By Alan Perlis, "Epigrams in Programming"


Looking through other functional programming sites for wisdom to use in F#, found this by Seth Gordon.

[Haskell-cafe] the case of the 100-fold program speedup

“ … In other words, I sped up the code by two orders of magnitude. …”

Seth quoted Perlis, and I concur.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Bay .NET presentation notice


How F#, Many/Multi-Core, and, Parallel and Concurrent Changed My World

Microsoft San Francisco Office
835 Market Street, Suite 700
San Francisco, CA 94103

Wednesday August 19th at 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM*
(Check-in begins at 6:00 PM)


Event Description:

I'll share my motivations and experiences learning to have FUN with F#.
A quick review of some F# history, a bit more on the state of the F# art, and a few forward looking F# observations.
Start a conversation about building our dreams by harnessing F# to many/multi-cores.
Let's see what we can do with 100,000 times more personal compute power than we had last millennium and a new more expressive language.

Speaker's Bio:

Art Scott's interest in computer graphics started in the 70's; while living at The Berkeley Film House. It led him to a career, as an entrepreneur and intra-entrepreneur, in the Computer Graphic Industry; from Silicon Valley to SoMa.
From circuits to MadAve Art's seen how the power of graphics work; inside and out.
Art is using VS2010, .NET 4, WPF, F#, and multi-/many-cores --
having FUN investigating Tilings and Patterns, and, Parquet Deformations, working on Symmorphmetry, his art project.
Art is a member of the International Society of the Arts, Mathematics, and Architecture (ISAMA); and working on furthering the semasiographic revolution.
licon Valley.

Bay.NET is a California Nonprofit Corporation operated entirely by volunteers and we are proud of our service to the .NET community of the greater San Francisco Bay Area. We regularly provide world-class speakers at no cost to our members. We offer a full-day "Education Day" once every quarter for a nominal registration fee.